So who am I? A good question. At school I was often the kid who had to borrow a pen. I did ok and certainly had some great tutors but I’m not one for revising. In fact some days I would skip school and watch the Open University. After school I trained as a mechanic for one year but went off the idea of a life spent changing filters. Next came a job in a surf board factory and that’s probably where my interest in business began – I could see that there was a market but this ‘popping off for a surf’ every few hours wasn’t going to pay the factory rent. Next came construction and there I found the right sort of problem solving challenge but soon realised it was no job for old men. So where next? Well a brief stint at construction technology taught me that returning to education was a good idea. I was accepted for a degree in architecture but finances stood in the way – that and the realisation that most architects just do plans for extensions. Business seemed the next obvious path – do a degree and go back in to property. Well almost. Instead I found I had the patience and communication skills required to teach (so people told me) and grabbing the opportunity threw myself in to a PhD in economics – the rest, as they say, is history. (oh and I still dabble in property development)
Things you probably didn’t know:I have an aversion to text speak – it just confuses me
I hate talking on phones – that and hypodermic needles are the only phobias I have Although i always seem to be on my phone I prefer to talk face to face rather than text etc it’s just that I’m really busy and I write everything in full (see aversion to text speak) I have a mild form of dyslexia which means I avoid white boards and flipcharts but also entertain myself mis-reading menus and posters |
StrengthsThe English never find this easy do they? Others have said:
Analytical; Empathetic; Communication; Patient; Problem Solver; Positive; Creative Solutions Orientated; Quick; Strategic; Optimist; Critical (in academic sense); Modest ;)
Links to me