Philosophy Friday
Been snowed under at work and so have neglected blog.
Will be back soon with stuff on value adding and leadership but in
meantime I am having what I am calling philosophy Friday, either that or I’m
losing it. What have been playing
on my mind is faith, hope and charity.
Actually I couldn’t recall where it came from (embarrassing I know) so
checked my beloved Wikipedia.
But it wasn’t history or theology I was considering but contemporary
society in a more secular context. It struck me that people, and I’m
basing this on overheard conversations and FaceBook status updates so reliable
empirical sources as ever, rank these in the order of hope, faith and
People seem to have hope.
Hope for a better job, a better life and a better future.
Interestingly they don’t seem to have much faith.
The thread seems to go “I wish I had a better job but it doesn’t happen
to me”. The hope is there but the faith isn’t. So where does charity fit?
Well that often seems left out or limited.
You hear “why should I” or “no one helps me”.
Ok so that’s not too optimistic and I’m known for my optimism. Let me spin it around.
How about we said charity, faith and hope?
Let’s be charitable.
Charitable in thought and action; charitable to friends and charitable to
random strangers. That in turn
will mean that good things happen to other people.
If good things happen then we start having a bit of faith and believe
that they do and in turn that this solidifies hope.
Simple, naive and clichéd but I’m going to give it a try, what harm can
it do?
Been snowed under at work and so have neglected blog.
Will be back soon with stuff on value adding and leadership but in
meantime I am having what I am calling philosophy Friday, either that or I’m
losing it. What have been playing
on my mind is faith, hope and charity.
Actually I couldn’t recall where it came from (embarrassing I know) so
checked my beloved Wikipedia.
But it wasn’t history or theology I was considering but contemporary
society in a more secular context. It struck me that people, and I’m
basing this on overheard conversations and FaceBook status updates so reliable
empirical sources as ever, rank these in the order of hope, faith and
People seem to have hope.
Hope for a better job, a better life and a better future.
Interestingly they don’t seem to have much faith.
The thread seems to go “I wish I had a better job but it doesn’t happen
to me”. The hope is there but the faith isn’t. So where does charity fit?
Well that often seems left out or limited.
You hear “why should I” or “no one helps me”.
Ok so that’s not too optimistic and I’m known for my optimism. Let me spin it around.
How about we said charity, faith and hope?
Let’s be charitable.
Charitable in thought and action; charitable to friends and charitable to
random strangers. That in turn
will mean that good things happen to other people.
If good things happen then we start having a bit of faith and believe
that they do and in turn that this solidifies hope.
Simple, naive and clichéd but I’m going to give it a try, what harm can
it do?